Empowered Women Empower Women

March is Women’s History Month. Everyone is talking about it, posting on social media, and shouting out their favorite women all across the world. As a women-owned and operated small business, we couldn’t let the opportunity pass to love on our own female icons, friends, and family who have shaped the humans we are so proud to be.

I asked each of our team members to take some time to reflect on the women, either in history or in their own lives, who have made the biggest impression on the people they’ve become and continue to evolve into each and every day.

Marianna - Founder and CEO, CDFA®

“I thought long and hard on this question. The truth is, there are many historical women that I admire. But the most impactful woman that has made me the independent, hardworking, compassionate human I am proud to be, is my mom.

She always taught me that the only person I can truly rely on is myself, and that it’s up to me to decide to live life on purpose. Her belief in me is what drives my determination not only to make my own dreams come true, but also for those of my clients. Growing up, she showed me such empathy and support, and I strive to carry that on to my own daughters, who also inspire me every single day. I am in awe of the women they are. They are dedicated to their careers, are loving partners, and always take care of others.”

Melanie - Associate Financial Advisor

“There are two women in my life who have really shaped me. The first is my Great (great, great, great, great) grandmother, Ann Whitall. While I never met her, her legacy lives deeply within me. During the American Revolution, American soldiers built Fort Mercer quite literally right in her very own backyard. Even when her family fled, she never left her home, and as a nurse she tended to wounded soldiers on both “sides” of the war. Her bravery and compassion for all of humanity is a trait I admire greatly.

The second woman is my mom. She has taught me patience, strength, and resiliency in the “speak softly but carry a big stick” kind of way. I am proud to have taken her lead in my own parenting of my three girls.”

Samantha - Financial Planning analyst

“I’ve always been inspired by Dolly Parton’s energy and approach to life. She’s inspired me to be who I am without shame, to embrace the divine feminine qualities that we have as women, and to stand up to injustice. Dolly is unapologetically herself without putting down others, and that’s something we can all aspire to.  

I’m also in awe of my best friend Lauren. She’s my soul sister and has taught me unconditional love in friendships between women. She encourages me to put myself first and to be confident in situations where I feel anything but. Lauren is a force of nature and she’s constantly impacting those around her for the best.

I must also mention Cindy Axelrod, my favorite professor and the reason that I’m here at CURO. Without her encouragement and mentorship, I wouldn’t know Marianna and I likely wouldn’t have found this profession that undoubtedly fulfills me. Cindy is a champion for women in finance and introduced me to Financial Planning in my Freshman year at Temple University. I’m forever grateful for her.”

Helen Popovich - administrative assistant

“Margaret Thatcher was an inspirational figure to me as she was a strong leader who commanded respect in a powerful world run by men.

Growing up I did not realize how ahead of the times my English granny was. My grandfather retired early, and she had to support her 3 daughters by working full time as a cook in a hotel.  She continued to work until her late 70s. I wish I could go back in time and tell her how her hard work and dedication to her family continues to inspire me every day.”

Rachael Schaeffer (me!) - Client Service and Marketing Manager

“There are three women who come to mind when I think about who has made the biggest impact on my life.

The first is Julia Child. I remember watching her every single Saturday growing up. She always had this genuine sense of humor, and when she made mistakes she rolled with them. Unlike most of today’s television icons, she never for a moment hesitated to be authentically who she is, and her passion for food fueled mine too. I loved how she would experiment, and how confident she was not only in herself, but also her craft.

The second is my mom. I know, it sounds completely cliché, but I’ve watched my mom grow into herself and show up unapologetically after years of being confined in a box that others expected of her. I admire not only her strength, but also her ability to allow play into her life. She is the best grandma to my boys who absolutely adore her and if I’m half the woman she is when my time comes, I’ll consider myself more blessed than words could ever express.

The last is my coach, Olivia Seline. Olivia and I have worked together many times in the last four years. We’ve grown together yet separately, as we’ve navigated the many iterations of ourselves. She has taught me about trusting myself, the power of showing up to life in my fullest expression, and the magic of being a woman in today’s society. I’m grateful for her work and that I found her in true divine timing.”

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